Ivan Maria Friedman Ivan Maria Friedman


Don't be misled by what you or other people think. What you truly are is much vaster than a thought, an image, a definition. How vast are you exactly? As vast as all that you can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. As vast as the Universe.

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About Life
Ivan Maria Friedman Ivan Maria Friedman

About Life

We land on Earth, not knowing how or why. We start by giving names to everything, trying to make sense of it all. We believe we understand the difference between this and that, we separate the good from the bad. We start telling stories about ourselves and others and before long, we believe we’ve got it all figured out...

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The World Within
Ivan Maria Friedman Ivan Maria Friedman

The World Within

Some fruits grow fast, while some need longer maturation periods. There are all sorts of sizes, shapes, colors, textures and flavors in Nature. All have their place and their reason to be.

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One Universe - Endless Worlds
Ivan Maria Friedman Ivan Maria Friedman

One Universe - Endless Worlds

When I first came across the photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope as a teenager, I was completely mesmerized. For weeks, perhaps even months, I could look at nothing else. Those images altered my perception of the world in a way that still affects me today.

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Space for the World
Ivan Maria Friedman Ivan Maria Friedman

Space for the World

The world is not a space to be conquered,
But a place where you must make yourself spacious.
For when you're full of drama and self-importance,
The true world is pushed aside, barely visible, a mere shadow of itself.

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An empty Fortress
Ivan Maria Friedman Ivan Maria Friedman

An empty Fortress

We, humans, have essentially created a world around the ideal of resistance: Resistance is the true engine for our evolution as a species, while it also dictate how we should see the world and live our individual lives.

Resistance against the other.
Resistance against the natural world.
Resistance against death (which also means resistance against life).
Resistance against what is.

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